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4 Brilliant Facebook Post Ideas for Auto Repair Shops

Posted by BayIQ on June 25, 2019 | 0 Comments

Pretty much any web-based marketing strategy nowadays demands a strong social media presence. However, it’s not just about having a Facebook page; it’s about using it to keep yourself on your client’s mind. Since the auto repair industry doesn’t necessarily have the “picture-perfect” appeal of cupcakes, you’ll have to think outside the box to provide your followers with relevant and useful content that invites them to interact with you.

If you are looking for something beyond simple sales and special announcements, here are four auto repair Facebook ideas that can get you started.


1. Give a Face to Your Name (and Your Team)

This combines two things that resonate with a large number of customers: the chance to root for the face behind the name and the opportunity to walk into a business where you know people’s names.

Put your usual “employee of the month” billboard on steroids and show your team’s best face online. Share their accomplishments or life events. Did they go to a training course? Did one of them just become a father? Or did they go out of their way to satisfy a customer? Share their pics and stories on your Facebook page, alongside a line or two about the task or service they’re best at.

The public recognition will keep your employees motivated, while the personable face will make your clients feel invested in your business and brand.

2. Quiz Your Clients

We all love to feel like the smart kids on the block, especially when there’s a reward for it! A quick five-question Facebook quiz on car care can turn the winner into part of your word-of-mouth marketing network. Often times people will tag other people they know to take the quiz, opening up your business to opportunities to get in front of new potential customers. At the end of the quiz, you should make sure to let people know who you are. Better yet, give them a special offer to come by the shop!

The questions can be something as simple as the specifics of snow-proofing tires or even fun trivia about your location. If you have a customer loyalty program already in place, you can offer extra points as part of the reward for taking the quiz even.

3. Ride the Wave of Local Events

Auto repairs are something that most people only think about when they have to. The next food truck festival or state fair, on the other hand, is already on everyone’s minds and conversations. This is an easy opportunity to remind your clients that you’ll be around for emergency repairs, or that you are as excited as them. Don’t forget to use the event’s actual hashtag in your posts in order to boost your chances of post visibility (especially if you are also posting on Instagram or Twitter)!

Take this auto repair Facebook idea to the next level by getting people to share their advice and thoughts on the event. Ask them to share their favorite pics from last year or to recommend parking spots or low-traffic routes, etc. This will open up a conversation that you can actively engage with, giving you an excuse to start a conversation with them.

4. Quick, Dirty, and Useful Updates

A great way to stay on your client’s minds and to show them that you have their best interests at heart is to update them on those minor things that they MUST deal with. Traffic jams, nearby road construction, and weather alerts are all immediately useful and have a high likelihood of being shared around by those who see them – plus, your logo will be shared alongside those reports and posts too!

So What’s the Key Here?

You’ll notice that all four of these auto repair Facebook ideas share three things in common:

  • They keep your brand name in your clients’ minds
  • They offer good, useful info for them
  •  They increase their trust in your brand and the people who are a part of it

After all, repeat customers are essential for the car repair business. Few of us rarely commission huge repair jobs from shops we know nothing about, which is why returning customers tend to commission gigs that are 67% larger than first-timers.

At BayIQ, we provide the independent tire and automotive repair industry with the tools they need to increase car count and average spend for your shop by building customer loyalty. From loyalty programs to appointment scheduling and automated reminders, we can ensure that your customers never feel forgotten without having to add an extra full-time worry to your plate. 

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Tags: auto repair marketing, facebook marketing