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How to Get More Auto Repair Shop Customers

auto repair shop customers
Posted by BayIQ on January 31, 2019 | 0 Comments


Marketing in the auto repair industry can be tough. Not only is there a ton of competition, but your customers are different than customers in other industries. Your customers might only need you for an oil change, they might be distrustful of auto repair shops, or they might not have a lot of loyalty to a particular shop.

This is why standing out and attracting the right customers is more important than ever. Customers have an endless variety of repair shops to choose from, plus the tools to actually do the research.

So, to help you stand out, we put together four easy tips for attracting more auto repair shop customers (and keeping them). Here’s what you need to know.

4 Ways to Attract More Auto Repair Shop Customers

Communicate more often with your customers.

Don’t be afraid to send more communication to your customers. We don’t mean you should bombard them with endless ads or emails. However, if you set up a few automated emails to your customer database, such as Happy Birthday messages, discounts, or oil change reminders, your customers will appreciate the additional communication.

They’ll be happy about the discounts and the peace of mind knowing they don’t have to stress about when to change their oil, and you’ll stay at the top of their list the next time they need the auto repair services.

Be honest about your services and pricing.

It’s unfortunate, but the auto repair industry tends to get a bad rap. Too many shops have taken advantage of people who maybe didn’t understand the repairs that were needed, and now that trust is either broken or very, very fragile.

Help rebuild that trust by always maintaining authenticity and truthfulness when it comes to your customers’ repairs and costs. Help them to understand exactly what it is you need to do and why. Also, be sure to provide them with options and recommendations before starting on the work. Your customers will feel like they’re in the loop, and they’ll be more likely to trust you for their future auto repair needs.

Start a rewards program.

We’ve said it time and again, but it still holds true: providing a customer loyalty program is one of the best ways you can attract and retain your customer base.

Everyone loves to be rewarded - so reward your loyal customers by giving them discounts after a certain number of services or when they’ve reached a certain number of points. There are many ways to create a successful customer rewards program - if you’re looking for more information on how to create yours, this post tells you how.

Implement an auto repair shop software.

Last, but certainly not least, implementing software that’s specific for auto repair shops is so important for the success of your shop and the satisfaction of your customers.

Why? Because using an auto repair shop software will help your shop run smoother and make your customer interactions more successful.

Plus, implementing a software like BAYiQ can help you to perfect and streamline an incredibly effective customer rewards program.

By using these four tips to market to your auto repair shop customers, you’ll find that your customer base will start increasing little by little. Customers want to trust you and they want to feel heard and understood. These four tips will help you to do just that - and the end result will be a noticeable improvement in your shop’s bottom line.

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Tags: customer acquisition, tips, auto repair marketing