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How To Craft The Perfect Email for Your Auto Repair Shop

 email for auto repair shops
Posted by BayIQ on November 30, 2020 | 0 Comments

While most small businesses understand the importance of marketing, knowing where to invest time and money is not always clear-cut. With that said, it’s hard to ignore the success rate of email marketing.

Email marketing can be an extremely valuable investment as it provides an average return of $38 for every $1 spent. The key, however, is knowing how to craft the perfect email for small business to capture the attention of your target market. 

Grab Them with the Subject Line

Because the subject line is one of the first things that the recipient will see, it has to be enticing enough to make them want to open it. 

Here are a few pro tips to write an effective email subject line:

  • Lose the title case- Not capitalizing every word of the subject line will help your email come across as friendly and approachable, and less intimidating.
  • Less is more- Don’t over complicate the title of the email. If your audience doesn’t understand it the first time they read it, it will probably end up in the trash.
  • Make sure to deliver- If the content of your email doesn’t live up to the promises of its subject line, your audience will likely delete it.
  • Be recognizable-  Create familiarity with customers by sending the email from an individual’s name as opposed to generic company names.

Be Personable

Email campaigns have become more than just a billboard in email format. People want a reason to connect beyond the advertisement. So indulge them. 

Don’t be tempted to include industry jargon. Instead, be personable and connect with your clients and use the fact that you are a small business to your advantage. For example, include an update about your personal life, attach a recent picture of the family dog, or give an inside look at what your day looks like working at the shop. According to Social Media Today, “You shouldn't overuse such elements, but a few additions along these lines can help to make your audience feel at home.”

Ask Questions

Emails for your small business should be an engaging form of communication that entices the recipient to act. A great way to do this is by posing a question. Make it short and related to the recipients interests. For example:

  • Do you need a quick and affordable tire change this winter?
  • When did you get your last oil change? 
  • Have you refilled your windshield wiper fluid recently?  

One Call to Action

Provide a simple and easy course of action for customers to follow, known as a call to action (CTA). It’s important to not overwhelm your recipient with multiple CTAs. Instead, draft a singular goal-oriented CTA such as:

  • Schedule an appointment today
  • Call us for a quote
  • Shop promotions and specials

How to Create an Email Campaign

With  BayIQ you can create an email blast to send to your customers. Easily segment and create customer lists, add your own image, logo, text and call-to-action with the email blast feature. 


Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Tags: email for auto repair shops