Author Archives: BayIQ
3 Not-So-Secret Ways On How To Motivate Employees
Do your employees drag themselves into work every day? Are things constantly slipping through the cracks? Chances are, they’re just not feeling it - in other words, they’re unmotivated. Without[...]
Tags: motivation
The BAYiQ Integration Advantage—You Can’t Beat It
We all try to go through work the “smart” way. Always striving to find the simplest way to enjoy the fruits of life while getting our work done quickly and efficiently. With the right tools in[...]
Tags: BAYiQ, integrations
4 Steps to Driving the Best Customer Reviews
Have you ever been to a business where your experience was so great, you wanted to share it with the world? Or at least a friend or family member? When you have a positive experience with a[...]
Web-Series: Tips from THE Tire Pro
Howard Fleischmann of Community Tire Pros and Auto-Repair appears in our short web-series to share his tips on maintaining your shop and adapting for the future.
Tags: tips
Tire Shop Success: Increase Shop Visit Revenue with an Improved Waiting Room
If you glance out to the waiting room and your customer is using their laptop connected to their personal hotspot, balancing on a metal folding chair (held together by duct tape) with nothing to[...]
Tags: auto shop success
3 Time Management Hacks for Highly Successful Shop Owners
You have 1,4440 minutes and 86,400 seconds each and every day. And so do some of the busiest and most successful people in the world. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the[...]
Tags: time management
August Spotlight Shop: Bud's Tire Pros
Each month BAYiQ nominates one exceptional business for their exemplary shop management, exceptional customer service, and impressive implementation of BAYiQ.
Tags: spotlight shop
Customer Satisfaction: The Ultimate Auto Shop Success Additions You Need Now
Running an auto shop? You’ve got tons on your plate. But no matter how busy you are, you’re probably always spinning your wheels trying to find ways to increase your bottom line, gain a solid[...]
Optimize Your Front Desk Operations in 8 Steps
The front desk operations are the center of your auto shop. That desk is one of the highest traffic locations inside the entire shop and typically is your customer’s first impression. Pretty much[...]
Your Checklist to Finding a Rockstar Store Manager
As an auto shop owner, you’ve got 99 problems and hiring the perfect store manager is one. If you’re reading this, you’re probably facing the daunting challenge of hiring the right store manager[...]
Tags: auto shop success, hiring tips